COVID-19: Xi’an Public Schools Openings
Finally, things are certainly getting closer to normality in the
COVID-19: What’s Closed (and Open) in Xi’an
[Updated April 14] To prevent the spread of the coronavirus
China Closing its Borders to Foreigner
突发 : 自3月28日零时起,暂时停止外国人持目前有效来华签证和居留许可及多个商务旅行、口岸及入境免签入境。 BREAKING : From March 28th on, China will temporarily suspend
12 Ways to Earn Money Online from China
With our work start dates getting pushed back weekly here
A Look into Wuhan during the Coronavirus
How’s life for people in Hubei province, especially in Wuhan
Clinics, Hospitals and Healthcare in Xi’an
To effectively prevent and control the current pneumonia epidemic of
Coronavirus (Xi’an, Shaanxi): Important Facts and Stats [Updated 04/13]
Since the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) first came to the attention
Hiring Now: Alibaba Global Talent Development Program
The Alibaba Global Talent Development (AGTD) Program is now looking
January Foreign Movies in Xi’an 1月上映的外国电影
Xi’an saw 7 foreign movies screened throughout December, 2019. Happy New Year! This month we
2019 Christmas Events in Xi’an Overview
If you’re spending Christmas in Xi’an this year then you’re
China’s 2020 Public Holiday Schedule 全年公休放假安排
Many people have already started preparing their holiday schedules and
December Foreign Movies in Xi’an | 12月上映的外国电影
Xi’an saw 11 foreign movies screened throughout November, our followers kindly remind us for
Top Xi’an WeChat Groups|西安大国际群
Do you love or hate the constant noise and occasional spamming from WeChat groups? Let’s face it, many of us could not survive in Xi’an without our favorite groups.Some provide professional and practical advice while others offer entertainment…
How to Register Your Dog in Xi’an | 如何给狗狗办证
Nowadays, cities across China are releasing new sets of regulations on