Nowadays, cities across China are releasing new sets of regulations on dog ownership. 如今,全国各地都在出炉关于养狗的新规定。
Some places also have been introducing harsh measures such as the restriction of dog walking hours and places and bans on certain breeds.部分地市出台了严厉措施,包括限制主人遛狗的时间和地点,以及禁养特定犬种。
It is important for you to understand the benefits of dog registration. For example, registering your dog provides valid proof that you are his owner. Obtaining this proof is one of the first steps towards becoming a responsible pet owner.
Hey Xian has put together a handy guide for pet owners in Xi’an to get you informed on the regulations and how to properly register your dog. Hey Xian本篇文章为西安的宠物主人们送上及时指南,你可以了解相关规定以及给狗狗登记办证的步骤流程。
1.Get proof of residence 固定居所证明
Get proof of residence from your property management office (stamped file)办理具有固定居所的证明
2.Certificate of Immunity 免疫证明
Proof of Vaccinations(Certificate of Immunity)办理犬只的免疫证明
You only need a rabies vaccine to register a dog. But they recommend the 5-way vaccine as well, and it’s also good for the well-being of your pet. Since this vaccine protects the dog from canine distemper, adenovirus type 2 (and hepatitis), parainfluenza and parvovirus.注册只需犬类接受狂犬病疫苗即可,不过专业人士建议为宠物打五联疫苗,它可以保护狗不受犬瘟热、2型腺病毒(和肝炎)、副流感病毒和细小病毒的感染。
The veterinarian or Pet hospital needs to be well established and be able to provide a “Dogs immunity certificate ”请寻找能够提供正规“犬类免疫证”的兽医和宠物医院。
If your veterinarian can provide this document, it means they’re authorised and recognised by the government since not all vets or pet hospitals can issue this document.如果兽医及诊所可以提供这份文件,这意味着他们获得了政府的授权和认可。不是所有的兽医或宠物医院都有授权。
3. ID Certification 身份证明
ID Certification: Passport only for foreigners (they said original wasn’t needed but you never know)
4. Find the nearest Animal control office 寻找最近的办证办公室
Copy “ 限制养犬办公室” and paste it into a maps application, it may show a location near you but be careful and call the place before showing up.
Here are three locations we know you can go for sure. You can register at any office below even if you don’t live near that area.以下三个地址即使不住在附近,也可以到任意办公室办理登记。
📍Beilin District 碑林区Name: 西安市公安局碑林分局限制养犬管理办公室Address: 陕西省西安市碑林区北沙路3号兰蒂斯城1号楼1层西南方向46米Near Yan xing men Metro 近延兴门地铁站
📍Yanta district 雁塔区Name: 西安市公安局雁塔分局限制养犬管理办公室Address: 陕西省西安市雁塔区含光路南段与明德Near Hui Zhan Zhong Xin Metro 近会展中心地铁站
📍Open Economic Zone 开发区 (North of Xi’an near North Train Station 近西安北站)Name: 西安市公安局开发区分局Address:西安市开发区文景路132号Near Yun Dong Gong Yuan and Feng Cheng 12 Lu 近运动公园和凤城十二路
5. Payment 付款
The registration costs 500 rmb ¹ if you live inside the third ring road, 200 rmb¹ if you live outside the third ring road and includes:- Certificate card- Microchip
*They provide a microchip with this price, but Microchipping must be done by your vet. Some offices have someone who can do the Microchipping if you request it, some don´t.*注册后会给犬只提供一个微型芯片,但你需要寻找兽医进行植入。
With the registration they will give you a certificate card which you need to renew every year, and the cost of the renewal is 300 rmb, you MUST renew the certificate BEFORE the expiration date, every year.注册后你会收到一张证书卡,你必须在证书到期前完成更新(一年度),费用是300元。
¹If your dog is sterilized you can enjoy a 50% discount (Bring a certificate of sterilization from your vet)¹如果你的狗绝育了,即可以享受半价(需要带上绝育证明)
6. Breeds of dogs eligible for registration 符合登记条件的犬种
Their general rule is:Dogs smaller than 50 cm long from shoulder to paw, are eligible for registration.从肩膀到爪子长度小于50厘米的狗狗有资格登记。
Within the area of the Third Ring Road and other key restricted areas such as residential areas, government organs, enterprises and institutions, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, cultural relics and historical sites protected areas and scenic spots inside and outside the Third Ring Road.目前西安实施分区限养,三环路以内区域及三环路以外的城镇居民居住区、机关、企业事业单位、学校、幼儿园、医院、文物古迹保护区、风景名胜游览区等区域为重点限养区;其他区域为一般限养区。
Thirty-four kinds of dogs are: Pit bull, Tosa, Argentinedogo, Caucasian, Tibetan mastiff, Italian guard dog, Rottweiler, Neapolitan mastiff, Weimar hound, Central Asian shepherd, Canary, filer, Bull terrier, Pharaoh hound, Great Dane, Alaskan malamute, Akita, Kunming, Doberman pinscher, Eastern Sichuan hound, Belgian Malinois, Chinese pastoral dog (native dog), Japanese wolfhound, Greyhound, Great white bear dog, St. Bernard dog, etc. It also includes dogs of the breed lineage mentioned above that are crossbred with a height of more than 50 centimetres from the shoulders (adult dogs).
Original text in Chinese as follows 对应中文名称如下:土佐犬、阿根廷杜高犬、高加索犬、藏獒、马士提夫、意大利护卫犬、罗威纳犬、纽波利顿獒犬、威玛猎犬、中亚牧羊犬、加纳利犬、菲勒犬、牛头梗、法老王猎犬、阿富汗猎犬、德国牧羊犬、爱尔兰猎狼犬、英国斗牛犬、澳洲牧牛犬、苏俄牧羊犬、松狮犬、大丹犬、阿拉斯加雪橇犬、秋田犬、昆明犬、杜宾犬、川东猎犬、比利时玛利诺犬、中华田园犬(土狗)、日本狼青犬、灵缇犬、大白熊犬、圣伯纳犬等。同时包括具有上述犬种血统的杂交大和肩高50厘米(指成年犬的平均身高)以上的犬种。
7.Fill out the forms and obtain the registration card 填写表格并领取犬证
If you can’t write Chinese is best you take a Chinese friend with you to help you with the process and make it easier for you.Once you have submitted the form, they will hand you the microchip and your registration card.提交表格后,将会收到微芯片和登记卡交给你。
And the process is finished. Now you can go home and relax, everything will be fine.流程就此结束。
|Guidelines to follow if you have a dog approved by the government.
1) Bring your registration at all times 时刻带上犬证
2) All dogs must be on a leash less than 2 meters. 必须牵2米内的狗绳
3) Don´t allow your dog to urinate or defecate anywhere 不能随意大小便
4) Clean after your dog 及时清理狗狗痕迹
5) Reports from citizens about uncivilized behaviour or not complying with the guidelines below will result in the following:
-First time offenders will get a warning or even a fine depending on the case.初犯者根据事件情况收到警告或罚款。
– Second time offenders will be punished according to law.再犯则依法处置。
– If a third time occurs and civilized behaviour hasn´t been dissuaded, the dog’s certificate will be revoked, and the dog will be considered as illegal.若有多次记录并无行为改善,犬证将会被取消,将该犬只列为限制。
FAQ 常见问题
❓Can I register a dog on someone else’s name? 我能以别人的名义登记宠物吗?
📢The answer the police gave us basically means one family is allowed one dog.根据规定,一家只能养一只狗。
❓Can I register a mongrel, mixed, crossbreed dog? 我可以为杂交品种的犬种登记吗?
📢If the dog has any mix with any of the forbidden races, the answer is no, but might be allowed if the dog is less than 50 cm tall. Need to be verified at the registration office.如果这只狗和任何上文中禁养品种有混合,原则上不行,如果它身高低于50厘米,你需要到注册办公室验证是否允许。
❓What if my dog belongs to a breeds that can’t be registered? 我的狗是上文中禁养品种,该怎么办?
📢Even if your furry friend behaves properly it still might not be eligible for a licence. If the dog’s behaviour is aggressive and has received complaints… you should worry. However, you are still able to keep it without any trouble if you follow the same guidelines and laws applicable for licenced dogs, stay out of forbidden or restricted areas.即使你的朋友表现很好,它仍不能拥有资格许可。如果有攻击性行为,并且收到了投诉,那就更需要你操心了。然而,如果你遵循同样的准则,可以远离禁区或限制区域饲养它。
❓Is there any governmental veterinarian where I can get vaccines?有什么正规打疫苗的推荐吗?
📢No need, ask your vet if they can provide a “Dogs immunity certificate ” if they have it, then they are authorized to do so.任何能提供犬类免疫证的兽医和宠物医院都是正规的地方,这个证明也是办理狗证必备的材料。
❓What if I have two dogs or more? 如果我有两只以上的狗呢?
📢The same rule, one family is allowed one dog.仍然需遵守一家只能养一只狗的规定。
❓Do I need to take my dog with me for the registration? 注册证件时是否需要带上狗狗?
📢We asked this question to different offices, some said you have to, some others said you don’t need to, so it’s better to contact your nearest animal control office and ask if you need to take your furry friend with you, bring someone who can speak and write Chinese.我们去不同的办公室得到了不同的答案,所以最好固定找到你要去的办公室之后再进行询问,记得带上你会说中文的朋友。
❓Why do we have to register our dog? 为什么我们一定要注册和办理犬证?
📢We need to understand that Chinese cities have large populations, thus, the number of dogs is increasing. Some dog owners are not responsible and let their dogs urinate or defecate everywhere, run without a leash and there have been cases of dogs acting violently, biting people and even children. Dogs are not guilty, but the government needs to set rules and educate dog owners and provide a good and safe environment for everyone.中国的城市人口众多,狗的数量也逐渐增加。但一些狗主人不负责任,随意大小便,不拴狗绳,还有狗狗暴力咬人等等,但狗狗其实是无辜的。 因此,政府需要制定规则,为所有人提供一个良好和安全的环境。
This content was generously shared from XianPaws. They are a group trying to promote animal welfare in Xi’an.