Surviving the Air Pollution | 雾霾季该怎么办?
Air pollution in China is generally falling, but due to the high AQI (Air Quality Index) readings, Xi’an now frequently ranks among the most polluted major cities in China. The pollution can be especially dangerous for sensitive groups including children, elderly people and pregnant women.
we‘re more equipped than ever to monitor and protect ourselves from
pollutants. As awareness about the dangers of PM2.5s (small particles
believed to be the most damaging to our health) increases, products and
services that can help are developing quicker – and some are easier than
you’d think
Tips on Surviving the Pollution如何应对重污染天气?
Know the Air Quality
Your health whilst dealing with pollution will depend on whether you make sensible decisions – so it’s important to keep track
of the air quality daily.养成监测空气质量的日常习惯,这有助于你作出合理明智的决定。
The easiest way is to download free apps such as “Air Matters” . 最简单的方法是下载适用你手机系统的免费应用程序,如“在意空气”。
If you don’t feel like downloading an APP for air quality, there’s also a WeChat mini-program for you to look at.
The Laser Egg by Kaiterra is affordable and intelligent (can sync to the Mini-program)Kaiterra还有线下监测产品可以同步到小程序
Wear A Mask
…and make it a good one. 挑选购买并佩戴合适的口罩。
Terms like FFP2 and N95 are confusing but refer to the differing amount of airborne
particles that the mask can remove:像FFP2和N95这样的术语指的是口罩能快速移动的空气中粒子的不同数量
European mask standards categorize masks into FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3 which remove 80%, 94% and 99% respectively. 欧洲口罩标准将口罩分为FFP1、FFP2和FFP3,指能分别去除80%、94%和99%的颗粒。
American standards use a slightly more intuitive system N95, N99 and N100 removing 95%, 99% and 100% of particles.美国标准使用更直观的系统N95、N99和N100,指去除95%、99%和100%的颗粒。
Alternatively, Californian company Vogmask make less industrial, high quality fabric masks, which can be ordered on for 198- 290RMB offering around 200 hours of protection.美国的
Vogmasks come in a range of styles and sizesVogmask有不同的花纹、图案及尺寸供选
Lastly make sure it fits. Whichever
mask you choose, and there are hundreds on the market, it’s vital it
fits well. Check there are not gaps for air leakage.There are plenty of
videos online to show you how to fit masks properly.
Buy an Air Purifier
The first step is to get the right size purifier for your space.
Most purifiers come with a recommended room size in square meters or they mention airflow rate, often written as CADR, and listed as cubic meters per hour. 大多数空气净化器都有对应推荐适用房间面积(平方米),或风机空载风量,常写成CADR,并以立方米每小时列出。
An effective air purifier should replace the air in your room around 5 times an hour.一个有效的空气净化器可以每小时更换5次你房间的空气。
Air purifiers become effective about ten minutes after being turned on in your home, make sure to close windows and doors while your purifier is on. Keep track if the filters in your purifier need changing – some get more efficient with age and some have a surprisingly short lifespan.空气净化器开启后大约十分钟生效,净化器开启时,请关闭门窗。净化器在使用过程中可能需要更换过滤器,请阅读产品说明书并留意实际情况。
Plants to Clean Your Air
studies have shown there are a number of plants especially good at
removing certain toxins (mainly benzene, formaldehyde and NOT PM2.5s)
from the air.研究表明,某些植物可清除空气中的特定毒素(苯、甲醛,而非PM2.5)。
Research released by NASA names Spider Plants (Chlorophytum Comosum), Devil’s Ivy(Epipremnum Aureum), Peace Lily (Spathiphylly, ‘Mauna Loa) and the Variated Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata) as especially good for your home – but be aware they are no substitute for proper air cleaning technology.
Make Good Decisions 改变生活方式
Whilst you can’t do anything to change the air quality outside, you can
make good decisions to minimize your exposure to it:
Smoking: In
a city where smoking is so cheap and engrained in both dining and
business culture, sitting in a bar without a cigarette might feel like
an alien idea. However, cutting out smoking is a sure fire way to
improve your health.在一个吸烟如此廉价、餐饮和商业文化都根深蒂固的城市里,坐在酒吧里不抽烟可能会让人觉得很奇怪。不过显而易见的是,戒烟是改善健康的最佳方式。
Avoid Rush Hour: Try to avoid busy roads during rush hour, whether cycling, taking the subway or bus to get across the city. This can really minimize your exposure to the pollution.高峰时间尽量避开繁忙的道路,选择骑自行车、乘地铁或公共汽车出行。这可以减少你在污染环境下的时间。
Exercising: Monitor the AQI, time your workouts effectively and use side roads or river paths to avoid direct traffic fumes. Whilst most gyms here still don’t have purifiers, indoor air generally has around 50% less pollutants than the air outside.监测空气质量指数并有效地安排你的锻炼时间。可以选择偏路或河道来避免接触路边交通污染物。尽管大多数健身房还没有空气净化器,但室内空气中的污染物也通常比室外少50%左右。
The long term health impacts of air pollution often build up slowly over time, but even if you’re not in Xi’an for the long run, it’s still sensible to take precautions and make good decisions.